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Aspirants decry delay in announcement of result by JK Bank for post of Probationary officer, Banking associates | KNO



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Srinagar, July 30 (KNO) : Scores of aspirants who had applied for the post of Probationary officers and banking associates on Tuesday accused the JK Bank authorities of delaying the announcement of the results. The said the delay in announcement of results has put their careers at stake. The exam for PO and banking associates was conducted by JK Bank authorities in the month of April. However the authorities are yet to declare the result despite the passage of over three months. “We have qualified the preliminary exams of probationary officer post and appeared in Mains exams as well. But the Bank authorities have delayed the announcement for selection list which has left the aspirants in state of despair,” the aspirants told KNO. The exam for PO and Banking associates was held in the last week of April this year and the Mains exam for PO shortlisted candidates was held in May respectively. “The exams are computer based but still the Bank authorities have delayed the result for unknown reasons,” the aspirants told KNO. “Such kind of delay has happened for the first time in JK Bank. The candidates are waiting eagerly for declaration of the results,” an aspirant from Srinagar told KNO. He said the delay has discouraged many aspirants who had come from outside states on leave to appear in their JK Bank exams. “We have given a bond to our private companies where we are working,” the aspirants said, adding that the JK Bank administration has completed the Mains exams but are yet to declare the results which is a question in itself. “We are in confusion whether to join back our private sector job in outside state companies or wait for JK Bank results. If we join any company we have to sign a contract with them and later it will be problematic to leave that job,” the aspirants told KNO. Meanwhile no official from JK Bank was available for their comments. However, the aspirants appealed the JK Governor for his personal intervention in the issue so that the results are announced as early as possible. (KNO)


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